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Is it possible to change the world by what you eat? According to Thich Naht Hanh, a Buddhist teacher, the change would be profound.
... posted on Oct 22 2002, 1,397 reads


... posted on Oct 21 2002, 642 reads


... posted on Oct 20 2002, 1,202 reads


We've all heard the importance of 'building bridges'. This group takes it literally. Bridges to Prosperity is a program that combines western ingenuity and indigenous manpower to build bridges that allow people in isolated villages access to markets for their goods.... posted on Oct 19 2002, 1,358 reads


Average American is exposed to 254 commercial every day, up nearly 25 percent from since mid-70s. (Source: Media Dynamics, NY)... posted on Oct 18 2002, 924 reads


Victor, a skateboarding ace, Starbucks employee, and good friend of ours, was presented with the challenge of how to reduce the amount of garbage that his store produced. He offered a simple yet perfect solution: allow customers to take used coffee grounds for their gardens. Starbucks has adopted his suggestion in stores nationwide.... posted on Oct 17 2002, 667 reads


Imagine a world where shoes are made with soles that, when they disintegrate, serve as nutrients for the soil. Automobiles, instead of going to the junkyard, are disassembled and sorted into different parts that are recycled into new cars. Fabrics are designed with so few chemicals that one could literally eat them. Sound like a Utopian, science-fiction vision of the future? Perhaps. But for Will... posted on Oct 16 2002, 1,381 reads


One of Geneen Roth’s perhaps most well-known and controversial exercises helps people to experience what they have as "enough": in conjunction with her advice to "carry a chunk of chocolate everywhere," Roth teaches how to eat that chocolate slowly and with complete awareness. The exercise, she writes, "reminds us to wake up, pay attention, stop reaching for what we don’t have, and focus on wh... posted on Oct 15 2002, 1,121 reads


... posted on Oct 14 2002, 628 reads


... posted on Oct 13 2002, 765 reads


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